The products we are making will become part of the human body.
In addition to mastering high-quality and precise technologies, deeply understanding patients’ anxiety and appearances that they want to present... is also necessary.
We believe that a dental technician needs imagination and sensibility as a human being.
That’s why we spare no trouble to tell our staff to keep the mentality of “I’m making dentures for my parents”,
And to make dentures with all their hearts.
Therefore, what we value is creating a relaxed workplace where dental technicians can work with a smile.
We strive to create an ideal environment for dental technicians to hone their skills, fully enjoy their time,
Earn a decent enough income, and grow into a more sound “human being”.
It will become an “atelier” where technical skills, equipment capacities and training abilities are enhanced, everyone cares about each other,
and rich humanity is nurtured.
We believe that our smiles will bring patients’ smiles.
Atelier Alfa boasts a top scale in Japan. The dental products provided by each and every one of us with high technology have won high praise from customers such as schools of dentistry in universities, university hospitals, major medical corporations, and open dental clinics. Currently, we have more than 600 customers. We also accept commissions from all over Japan.
Atelier Alfa is the first in the industry dedicated to digitalization. The number of digital devices introduced is among the top in Japan. As a result, we have achieved more stable product quality and higher work efficiency. It also leads to the improvement of working environment for dental technicians.
We regularly hold in-house study sessions by veteran dental technicians and seminars by doctors who are well versed in each field. We will spare no effort in supporting dental technicians to acquire advanced technology and knowledge. We have successfully produced many skilled dental technicians active overseas, including Thailand/Bangkok branch, Vietnam/Ho Chi Minh branch, and Singapore branch.
Atelier Alfa recruits dental technicians at all times.
We also support workplace tours, so please feel free to contact us for more information.
We have established laboratories in Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore.
There, Japanese dental technicians who have mastered skilled skills are
manufacturing and conducting quality control.
Currently, we have been commissioned to product dental products for dental
clinics and dental laboratories around the world such as China, the United
States, and European countries, and our Japanese-quality dental products
have been highly commended.
Welcome all dental clinics, dental laboratories, or dental-related practitioners interested in us to contact us by e-mail (info@atelier-alfa.co.jp).